Welcome to Our School

On behalf of the Pupils, Staff and Governors of Our School I would like to thank you for your interest in our school. If your child is joining us, I welcome you to the community that is Our School.

In this section you will find useful information about the school, its aims, activities and the opportunities we make available to benefit the children in our care. It will answer most of your questions and probably raise others in your mind. If the latter occurs, or your query has not been answered, do not hesitate to contact us and we will do my best to help.

It is important to us all at Our School that all parents and visitors feel welcome. If you have not already visited the school or children’s centre, and would like to, please contact us to arrange an appointment.

We endeavour to develop the whole child and prepare each one academically, emotionally and socially to live and succeed in a changing world. This prospectus goes some way towards explaining how we do this. I hope you find it helpful.

Headteacher, Mrs Headteacher


Introduction to the School

Our School is a small Primary School located in the North of England. The school opened its doors for the first time in 1997, since then the school has been extended and modernised significantly.

The teaching staff are talented, experienced and passionate about providing the best possible learning experiences. They always put the needs of the children, whether they be educational, personal or social, as their first and most important priority. They employ a range of teaching styles and techniques to enable the children to achieve the highest possible standards.

Our School is dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for children. We have a growing reputation for outstanding achievement and attainment. We believe that education extends beyond the academic to the development of the whole child into a capable and confident individual, ready and able to take a place in society.

Our core aim is to provide children with the skills, knowledge, attitudes and confidence which are necessary to enable them to make informed choices for themselves. The children experience a wide range of learning opportunities that are intended to develop them academically and personally.

Parents are encouraged to take an active role in the school. They are invited to support teachers through such activities as hearing children read or assisting them on the computers. They are also invited to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher on a regular basis.


Our Vision Statement is


We aim to realise this by:-

Developing relationships, based upon mutual respect, that allows everyone to feel safe, valued, welcomed and cared for.

Every child has access to high quality education in order to fulfil their potential

Developing children’s relationships, resilience, risk taking abilities, reflectiveness and resourcefulness

Preparing children to be responsible citizens who can face technological, personal and social challenges with confidence

Creating a positive caring environment where children enjoy learning and achieve their best.

Encouraging children to be polite and show respect and concern for the needs of others and their property.

Encouraging partnership between home, school  and the community.

We have high expectations of all children regardless of age, gender, culture or ability.  To develop their self-esteem through all aspects of school life.

Encouraging children to be honest about things they have done

We encourage the development of academic, creative, and physical skills by following all aspects of the national curriculum

Providing an extended provision for children from 3 to 11 including a Nursery and After School Club and a range of onsite services to support the needs of our community.


Every Child Matters

In response to the Every Child Matters Agenda, we at Kincraig aim to meet the five outcomes


We will aim to provide a wealth of activities and experiences which encourage our children to sustain a healthy and active life style in both body and mind.


We nurture our children carefully. We promote the children’s happiness by creating anti-bullying measures, peer-buddy schemes and developing emotional intelligence. We will liaise with other agencies on child protection when a particular child gives cause for concern.


Whilst working hard and achieving their very best in everything they do, we want our children to have fun and enjoy every minute of day. We have fantastic teachers and teaching assistants who are highly trained and work tirelessly to achieve the best for every child.

We develop personalised learning to stimulate the children’s enjoyment and the children share and celebrate their achievements in school assemblies.


We empower the children to play a full and active role in the school’s decision making processes through an effective and relevant school council. We want and encourage our children to care for people, communities and their world.


By giving all of our children Literacy, Numeracy and essential life skills. We will nurture their aspirations to prepare them to move effectively onto secondary education and beyond

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